Five reasons to train your staff in ethical, effective and timely Investigations and Investigation Meetings

Investigations conducted poorly cost lives, livelihoods, and careers and have the potential to destroy reputations and brands. Ethical and effective investigations reliably inform reports ensuring better-informed decision-making. An ‘invest to save’ model with front-end investment will secure significant savings in the long-term.

  1. An effective investigation ‘shines a light’ on your ethics.

 Investigations can be expensive. That cost can be measured not just in capital investment, but poor investigationswill lead to reputational risk, the destruction of careers, and in some cases cost life. Investigations inevitably place your ethics, philosophy, and core values under the microscope. Supporting your staff with a quality, accredited, and independently certified training will create a consistent, fair, and valued investigation process.2. Poorly managed and conducted investigations lead to poor decisions.Investigations and investigation meetings will make additional demands on time for your staff with all the associated risks to their well-being. They will call upon their investigative skills and, professionally conducted, they will identify risks across the business. Without training, support, and experience, mistakes in the investigation and the investigator's report can lead to incorrect decisions. These mistakes impact all stakeholders. 3. Having internally qualified investigators reduces external review. An ethical, effective, well-informed investigator will conduct quality, consistent, and timely investigations for your organisation. This will minimise external reviews, legal challenges, and other costly processes.Training and qualification matters.4. Save time and moneyIntersol Global training supports the investigator to make, record, and rationalise reliable decision- making. This enables ‘lean’, focussed, and balanced investigation case management; obtaining relevant information and evidence. Qualified training also supports the investigator to effectively conduct meaningful and productive investigative meetings, minimising the need to reschedule, saving time and money.5. It prevents failure and mistakesInvestigations are difficult, can take up huge amounts of time, effort, and energy. The impact can be felt across the whole business. Without knowledge, understanding, and skills they can lose focus on the Terms of Reference, create huge risk and ultimately fail.Interviewing staff in investigation meetings is pivotal. Mistakes here will damage investigation quality.Intersol train and qualify your staff to conduct low-risk volume workplace investigations and can advise and conduct the more complex and serious with you.They improve:

  • Competency
  • Capability
  • Capacity

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