Intersol Global Train the UK Insolvency Service

If you’re reading this it is likely that you will be aware that the new Attorney General guidelines came into force this month, January 2021, with impacted agencies expected to embrace the changes in their operational practice.“Proper disclosure of unused material remains a crucial part of a fair trial and is essential to avoiding miscarriages of justice. Disclosure remains one of the most important and complex issues in the criminal justice system, and it is a priority for this Government to encourage improvements in disclosure practice in order to ensure the disclosure regime operates effectively, fairly and justly. In November 2018, the Attorney General’s Review of the efficiency and effectiveness of disclosure in the criminal justice system (‘the Review’) highlighted significant concerns with the culture around disclosure, engagement between prosecutors, investigators, and defence practitioners, and the challenge of the exponential increase in digital data…….These recommendations included: earlier engagement between the prosecution and defence, harnessing the use of technology, and culture change…” (extract from guidance foreword)Not embracing these changes will inevitably lead to lost cases, associated miscarriages of justice, waste of resources, and reputational damage.With this in mind the Insolvency Service commissioned a one-day disclosure workshop jointly presented by Intersol Global, experts in investigation, interview training, qualifying, and advising, and Nick Hawkins, barrister, and ex-regional CPS lead, now of Normanton Chambers and The Hawkins Consultancy.Despite the challenges of virtual delivery to a mixed audience of over 70 IS staff (investigators, managers, and lawyers) the day proved to be “outstanding”, “exceeded expectations” and “delivered on every learning objective”.“I cannot recommend it highly enough. It was interactive and engaging throughout. It really did energise my team” (regional team leader, Insolvency Service).If this training would be of value to you and your teams, please contact John Crook, our Learning & Development Director at Intersol to explain more via or info@intersolglobal.comThe AG Guidelines can be found here:


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