Universities UK (UUK) “Tackling violence, harassment and hate incidents 2021"

Intersol Global are delighted to support the dedicated team at UUK at this forthcoming conference and share real-life practical experience of investigating violence, harassment, and hate incidents within the HE environment.

Mick Confrey and Hazel George from Intersol Global will host a session entitled “Lessons learned from investigations into racial harassment”. 


Relying on the increasing number of external investigations conducted and managed by the experienced and diverse team from Intersol Global, this session will present and discuss results from investigations into racial harassment and how the lessons learned can influence attitudes, behaviour, and change within Higher Education.

To find out more about this conference and to book visit:


If you need any support or advice about any investigative topic please contact the Intersol Global team at info@intersolglobal.com.

Consultation and advice are free.



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