Cambridge college head 'steps back' over handling of sex complaints

Trinity Hall: Cambridge college head 'steps back' over handling of sex complaints

The head of a Cambridge college has stepped back from his duties after allegations he mishandled a series of sexual misconduct complaints.

Dr Jeremy Morris, the master of Trinity Hall, has agreed to move aside while an internal review into procedures is under way.It comes after both students and staff were accused of misconduct in recent years.Trinity Hall said the decision was subject to further consultation.Comment: Whilst there remains work to be done many institutions are starting to realise that these are issues that can no longer be concealed, airbrushed or buried behind NDAs and are investing in staff training for low-risk straightforward investigations whilst commissioning external support for high-risk, complex matters. Spare a thought for those staff still allocated serious discipline investigations with no training or skills and expected to reach life-changing outcomes alongside managing their already over-capacity day-jobs. This not only applies to education but prevails in health, sport, education, law; just about all professions.Read the complete article courtesy of the BBC here


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