OFS - Urgent action to tackle harassment and sexual misconduct

The Office for Students (OfS) is the independent regulator of Higher Education in England. On 19th April 2021 OfS called for urgent action to tackle harassment and sexual misconduct in Universities and Colleges.OfS Chief Executive Nicola Dandridge urged all Higher Education providers to review their policies, systems, and procedures before the next academic year. This call for urgent action came on the same day as the OfS published their statement of expectations for preventing and addressing harassment and sexual misconduct affecting students in higher education.https://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/student-wellbeing-and-protection/prevent-and-address-harassment-and-sexual-misconduct/statement-of-expectations/In her blog on the OfS website Ms. Dandridge stated:“The statement provides a clear and consistent set of standards for Colleges and Universities to help them to develop and implement effective systems, policies, and processes to prevent and respond to incidents of harassment and sexual misconduct.”These expectations provide a standard. It is now for all universities and colleges registered with the OfS to put these principles into practice.”

Intersol Global is well established in conducting investigations into sexual misconduct and racial harassment and delivering training in Universities across the UK.

Higher education providers should have a fair, clear, and accessible approach to taking action in response to reports and disclosures. An investigatory process that is demonstrably, fair, independent, and free from any reasonable perception of bias. This may include consideration of and consultation with appropriate expertise.Intersol Global’s team of specialist experienced investigators deliver trauma-led investigation expertise in dealing with reports of sexual misconduct. We understand and avoid any investigation bias. We currently operate across the higher education sector with the majority of our work coming from word-of-mouth recommendations.

Disciplinary hearings that consider student complaints and appeals conducted by a panel that is free from any reasonable perception of bias, is diverse, and includes student representatives where appropriate. All panel members should be appropriately trained in handling complaints of this nature and be independent of the investigatory process and specific cases being considered. For example, this may include consideration of and consultation with appropriate expertise.

Intersol Global provides discipline panel training tailored to university discipline panels currently delivered across the higher education sector and can provide trauma-informed sexual misconduct experts. We are trusted by over 40 higher education institutions to deliver training and act as external impartial investigators in cases of harassment and sexual misconduct.

“Our diverse team of qualified specialist experienced investigators deliver trauma-led investigation expertise dealing with reports of sexual misconduct. We operate across the higher education sector with the majority of our work coming from ‘word-of-mouth’ recommendations. Delivering all elements of investigation case management in conjunction with our ‘best in class' strategic partners we can help and support you with all your impartial investigation needs. We DO NOT mark our own homework, all our team are externally qualified and we are an externally accredited Skillsfirts awards centre”. - Intersol Global COO, Mick Confrey

Get in touch for a chat, advice & to find out more about our Investigation services: info@intersolglobal.comwww.intersolglobal.com


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