Privileged to Support Victims of Serious Sexual Abuse in Football

This week, Intersol Global's CEO Ian Hynes shared a few words, thoughts, and reflections upon the two reviews published earlier this week regarding Child Sexual Abuse in Football between 1970 - 2005."Both the FA and Manchester City published reviews and reports this week. The FA review was titled an Independent Review into Child Sexual Abuse in Football 1970-2005 by Clive Sheldon, whilst Manchester City FC published the findings of the Mulcahy report into sexual abuse of young footballers. Both of these reviews make the outcomes and learning very clear.Over several years, specialist Forensic Interviewers from Intersol Global led the interviews of over 100 former players. It was a significant responsibility to be entrusted with such a delicate task and the team received consistent praise for the empathetic and professional manner in which they managed the interviews.To work with such a professional review team of lawyers from Pinsent Masons and a club so morally and ethically focussed as MCFC was an honor and privilege".We were delighted to receive this feedback from the senior legal partner, reflected in the report by Jane Mulcahy QC:‘The completion of this project, and the exceptionally high standards that were maintained, would not have been possible without the support of Intersol Global….. As we say in the report, the expertise, commitment, support, and advice have been outstanding. It enabled us to focus the Review in exactly the way we and MCFC wanted – survivor-led and with unwavering professionalism, despite the pressures that came with it. I want to extend my most sincere thanks, and those of all of our team and of MCFC, to you. When undertaking work of this nature, it is essential that the right partners are identified and engaged. We could not have made a better choice’.The trauma-informed forensic investigative interviewing of those subjected to such horrific offending must not be left to the untrained and inexperienced. To do so exposes those already in great trauma to suffer unnecessarily and gratuitously.Find out more about Intersol Global's Forensic Interviews, Investigations & more by dropping us a message via Advice is often free.


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