Every picture tells a story...or does it?

“Every Picture Tells a Story…. or does it? Forensic Investigative Interviews Deliver Justice, NOT Pictures” (Ian Hynes CEO Intersol Global). In the month that the International Investigative Interviewing Group (iiirg) hosted its annual conference virtually for the first time, we thought the time was right to remind readers of the critical part forensic investigative interviewing plays in delivering safe and reliable outcomes that ensure justice for all.For a host of reasons, the role of CCTV, DNA, trace evidence, and digital records have come to play a major part in investigations, almost to the point that unless any of that evidence exists, there is little point in even investigating!Many readers will have experienced first-hand or anecdotally that immortal utterance by police call-takers, “Is there any CCTV or fingerprint evidence”? If not there’s no point in investigating”! Resisting the temptation to reply, “How do I know”, it is important to acknowledge that all these forms of scientific evidence play a vital investigative role in providing lines of enquiry, externally verifying witness accounts, often inculpating, or exculpating individuals. BUT they are rarely if ever, conclusive evidence of culpability.What do I mean?

  • DNA in a rape investigation doesn’t prove rape. It doesn’t necessarily prove sexual intercourse.
  • It contributes nothing to the issue of consent in serious sexual offending.
  • Fingerprints at a murder scene don’t prove murder.
  • Fibres on a balaclava don’t prove robbery.
  • CCTV on campus doesn’t prove serious sexual misconduct.
  • Digital images and/or text on a mobile device don’t prove anything!

Listening to investigators ask such questions as:“I suppose that if I say we’ve got your DNA you’re going to say she consented?"“I suppose you’re going to tell us again that you lost the balaclava with your DNA on?"These sorts of questions drove us at Intersol to reinvigorate the forensic investigative interview as the core of effective investigation case management. Investigations outside Law Enforcement rely even more on witness accounts and outcomes can cost lives, careers, and reputations. Being vocationally qualified at level 3 MUST be the minimum standard for anyone charged with this weighty responsibility.“It is the forensic investigative interview and tactical use of evidence within that interview that delivers reliable outcomes and justice”. (Ian Hynes. CEO Intersol Global)Contact us at www.intersolglobal.com to discover more about Investigational training, and how it can change your methods for the good.


Conducting an Investigation: A short guide


Interviewing victims of rape & serious sexual misconduct