NEW! Level 3 Skillsfirst Award in 'Dealing With Difficult Conversations'

NEW! Level 3 Skillsfirst Award in 'Dealing With Difficult Conversations' By popular demand and as a first step to a level 3 qualification to conduct Investigative (Forensic) Interviews in Health and Safety we have launched this 2-day face to face training course as a core competency of, and complementary to, any other investigation training you may have undertaken. As regular speakers at IOSH conferences nationally we have developed the content based on specific feedback to ensure relevancy and proportionality, setting this training award way above any generic training offered elsewhere."Absolutely crucial training for any H&S investigator I'm amazed that it isn't mandatory and delivered at the start of my Health and Safety career" (H&S investigator at IOSH conference 2019)Normally delivered in-house, as a Skillsfirst accredited learning provider we can now offer this much awaited 2-day training at our South Manchester Academy at a cost of £545 (+VAT) inclusive of all accreditation, course material and refreshments, subject to numbers.Presented by subject matter experts who advised on the investigation strategies and tactics of many of the first UK Corporate Manslaughter investigations and have reverse engineered learning to save lives and deliver improved wellbeing.A brief insight into our H&S philosophy can be viewed hereIf you would like more detail of in-house or open courses in 2020 please contact for more details. 


Congratulations to Queensland Dept of Agriculture and Fisheries


Why turning a blind eye is no longer acceptable