Another University Trained by Intersol

Another University Trained by IntersolIntersol's L&D director, John Crook, and COO, Mick Confrey, delivered face to face investigation training to two more UK universities this week in support of their initiatives to deliver a safer learning environment for young people and comply with the Office for Students statement of expectations.Crucially, the the training delivered is externally accredited and regulated, and underpinned by contemporary practice, we don't 'mark our own homework' and are scrutinised annually to ensure quality and relevance. Is your training provider an accredited learning provider or do they print their own 'certificates of attendance'?Three things make the 'difference that is the difference' for Intersol training.

  1. OFQUAL quality assurance
  2. Training by subject matter (current) experts
  3. Training to conduct volume, low risk discipline investigations and FREE advice and support for the serious and complex

Intersol now work with over 40 HEIs to support delivery of the OfS statement of expectations and conduct impartial independent investigations for them.Supporting you with capacity, capability, and consistency, if you/your institution would value such support and prefer to get it right the first time please contact the team at for a free consultation and advice.


Confirmation Bias - The value and Importance of ‘Neutral Language’ in Workplace/Discipline Investigations  


Independent Investigation Services for Higher Education