Sexual Offence Investigation In Australasian Universities

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Are you alarmed at the standard of investigation in your university?

Is safety of your students of paramount concern?

Have you experience of discipline hearings in Higher education?

Do you manage high risk university investigations?

The Australasian University Safer Community Conference (AUSCC) is an opportunity for practitioners in the university behavioural assessment and safer community space to increase their knowledge, skills and techniques in threat assessment and investigations, and to provide opportunities to establish and build professional networks. AUSCC is a joint initiative of Monash University and the University of the Sunshine Coast. AUSCC is a two-part event that consists of Practitioner Workshops • 26-30 November 2018 • Melbourne, Vic. This five-day event consists of a series of interactive workshops and intensive training sessions. Presenters are Australian and international experts and practitioners.

Intersol Global associate, Cameron Gardner, qualified specialist interviewer and interview advisor, will host the day 4 workshop on investigation and interviewing in the university context. This workshop will address the key components to planning and conducting interviews in a forensic setting with cooperative and not so cooperative interviewees, including those who are vulnerable or have suffered trauma. Participants will develop a thorough understanding of key factors that influence decision making in order to improve reliability. Practical case studies (in the context of tertiary Safer Community Units, with a focus on the interviewing of complainants and witnesses) will be used to give context to the following topics:

- Memory science and the cognitive interview, including barriers to communication that may occur when an incident is reported

- Trauma-informed interviewing

- Reliability, credibility and suggestibility

- Effective interview behaviour

- Using information effectively in interviews

Link to conference detail here: AUSCC ProgramThis initiative reflects all the work Intersol global are doing in the UK to support Universities UK with external support to train, advise and conduct investigations WITH them to ensure that these inquiries are conducted ethically, robustly and rigorously in a way that will withstand the closest scrutiny.We can help you secure and protect your students, staff, stakeholders and reputation for less than £1GBP ($2AUS) per person per annum!If we can help you or your institution to professionalise the way that serious discipline misconduct investigations are conducted please contact us at for a free confidential consultation.(Source: The Daily Telegraph, UK).[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


Tougher sanctions for Universities that fail to tackle the growing problem of sexual misconduct and harassment.


Universities failing to tackle sex harassment by staff, says report