NEW! University Discipline Panel Training

NEW! University Discipline Panel TrainingDo you hold discipline panel hearings?Do you sit on a discipline panel?Do you want to understand the role and responsibility of a panel member better?"YES"?Then this new online training session is for you.Discipline panel hearings are the final stage of an investigation case management process (barring an appeal) and decisions reached have been known to destroy lives and careers if not cost them.Responding to requests from HEIs Intersol have partnered with a barrister, Nick Hawkins, who has a wealth of experience of discipline hearings in a civil context, to deliver training for potential panel members. The training will also be useful for others involved in safeguarding, student services, union reps and others who might support those involved or play a part in the process.Delivered online to meet a pressing need during the response to COVID it has the potential to be reinforced by a one-day practical face to face training day once lockdown restrictions ease.Take a look at Nick Hawkins and the CEO of Intersol Global, Ian Hynes, briefly discussing why this training is so crucial 


Discipline Panel Training Awarded 7 CPD Points.


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