Managing university misconduct cases that might constitute a criminal offence - conducting inquiries and investigations in higher education

Managing university misconduct cases that might constitute a criminal offence - conducting inquiries and investigations in higher education.

30 Oct 2018, 09:30 - 15:30, UUK, 20, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9HQ.A best practice masterclass on conducting inquiries and investigations in higher education.Following on from a successful workshop on 20 July which looked at the implementation of a case management process from 'end-to-end' drawing on the experience of Keele University, this masterclass focuses on managing inquiries and investigations, which is a critical part of case management and will support institutions in 'how to do it'.The landscape is complicated by the overlapping, occasionally conflicting and competing contexts within which the investigation has to be conducted, contexts that need to balance internal policies, professional requirements and statutory law whilst recognising that allegations can take many forms, including student to student misconduct, staff-to-student misconduct, staff-to-staff misconduct and student-to-staff misconduct.Why should you attend?Delegates will hear from professional experts from Intersol Global who have significant expertise in devising investigation and interviewing solutions. Building on the framework provided by the Universities UK/ Pinsent Masons guidance on "How To Handle Alleged Student Misconduct Which May Also Constitute a Criminal Offence" and reviews of existing practice, UUK have invited Intersol Global to provide some innovative and useful investigation tools and solutions enabling universities to be better positioned to:

  • Handle investigations consistently and with empathy and sensitivity
  • Comply with prevailing policies and statutes
  • Make more consistent and reliable decisions
  • Manage cases 'Extraordinarily'
  • Secure efficiencies and significant cashable savings associated with unsatisfactory investigations
  • Manage risk and reputation

With contributions by Pinsent Masons and representatives from a range of universities; UUK and Intersol will facilitate a fascinating introduction to the world of investigation, forensic interviewing, and the concept of 'Extraordinary Case Management' (ECM®).Who should attend?This conference will be useful for all university staff who have responsibility for or play a part in conducting inquiries and investigations. Relevant job titles include:

  • Director/Head of Student Services
  • Director/Head of Human Resources
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Officer/Manager
  • Head of Student Conduct and Appeals
  • Director/Head of Student Support AND Wellbeing
  • Community Liaison Managers/ Community Engagement
  • Director/Head of Student Counselling
  • Director/Head of Student Wellbeing

For more details of the event and to book please see:;


Managing Difficult Legal Conversations - an introduction to the world of forensic investigative interviewing for lawyers and paralegals


“Managing Difficult Legal Conversations” An introduction to the world of forensic investigative interviewing for lawyers and paralegals.