'HR Line' Launched by Intersol N.E.D.

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Friends and colleagues of Intersol Global at the leading law firm, gunnercooke, have just launched an exciting new product for the SME market called ‘HR Line’ and I thought that it might be of interest to you. You can find out more about HR Line in the attached flyer. I particularly like the fact that:

- there is price certainty, which helps with budgeting;

- the retainer model encourages you to contact Simon and Angus (the HR Line partners) at an early stage to help manage employment risks before they escalate;

- you get access to all the template employment documents you will need built into the price, as well as an annual health check;

- you’re not tied in to an unnecessarily long contract.

An indirect benefit for your organisation is that subscription to this service opens up the potential to access hundreds of years investigative and interviewing experience should that be of benefit.

If you think this might be of interest, please let me know and I will introduce you to Simon and Angus.

See the attached flyer for more detail and information: HR Line flyer[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


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