North West based Intersol Global, design and deliver the worlds first accredited and regulated training to conduct workplace ‘investigative’ interviews.

Virgin trains east coast (VTEC), recognising the many business benefits for health and safety, HR, staff development, and reliable decision-making, worked with Intersol to contextualise course content and roll out the training to 15 staff as stage 1 of a broader strategic plan to better equip teams with the skills to conduct reliable and meaningful workplace meetings and enquiries – The first in the world to achieve the accreditation.Intersol have since gone on to deliver the same accreditation to Pinsent Masons lawyers, supporting them to achieve another ‘world-first’ for corporate lawyers and set them apart from other law firms, and are looking forward to another ‘first’, delivering the qualification to UK Regulator throughout 2018.Feedback from both was universally excellent. For examples see: investigations change lives and effect reputation, don’t assume everyone can conduct them.We work with HR, regulators, lawyers, financial services, GRC, education, and the third sector supporting them with investigation and interview training, advice, delivery of skills that ensure delivery of Extraordinary Case Management (ECM©).If you or your company value informed business decision-making based on accuracy, fact, and detail, and would like to manage difficult conversations bettern please contact Intersol at for more details and an informal and discreet conversation.Intersol CEO, Ian Hynes, a regular presenter to VTEC and IOSH health and safety conferences is pictured (right) together with Ian Prosser (HM Inspector of rail) and David Horne (VTEC MD) presenting delegates with accreditation certificates at VTECs annual safety conference in York.


Self Administered Interview (SAI) Tool. (SAW-IT)


Investigative Interviewing – Level 3 Accreditation – Unit 1