Intersol Global and ‘Say So’ partner to deliver even more Extraordinary Case Management (ECM®)Another piece in the investigation case management jigsaw.Intersol Global and Say So are delighted to announce a strategic partnership that adds yet more value to investigation case management, delivering even more extraordinary results for businesses keen to manage risk and reduce cost whilst improving service and ensuring compliance.At their first meeting both entities immediately identified that they shared ethical values and philosophy; that people, healthy positive culture, and reputation were the greatest asset of any organisation.Shaun Keep, founding director at Say So said:“The alliance of Say So with Intersol Global provides a unique and innovative combined service for any organisation. All stakeholders will reap the added benefits delivered by an incident reporting tool, carrying the confidence of all to use, complemented by a world-class external investigation resource”.Recognising that poor investigation can cost careers, even lives, Intersol deliver investigation case management that is lean and ‘extraordinary’, ensuring reliable outcomes, maximum value, saving money whilst improving reputation – ‘professionalising today to protect tomorrow’.They do it by training, qualifying, advising on, and conducting investigations and investigative interviews.Ian Hynes, CEO at Intersol said:“Effective investigation and risk management relies heavily on having reliably meaningful conversations. The cornerstone of investigation is information. Partnering with ‘Say So’ secures that information so that maximum value can be made of it. We can train and qualify your organisation to investigate better as a result and support you to investigate high-risk complex investigations that demand specialist skills”.Say So is a market leading external independent service for staff ‘to be heard’, to provide information to manage and control risk. The service receives, processes and directs reports to clients senior leadership for actioning. With the improved staff trust and confidence that follows it delivers more critical information enabling businesses to improve their service, prevent serious failures and reduce unnecessary costs.It is also a powerful tool for creating a positive working culture by demonstrating to staff, service users, professionals, and others that the business values and recognises its greatest asset - people.Post-incident or issue Say So is invaluable in determining impact and outcomes. It helps to identify the most effective remedial action, positively improving workplace culture and performance.Find out more at or    


Corporate lawyers qualify to interview witnesses.


When Safeguarding Case Management (SCM) Goes Wrong